
Throughout the year, Malaga United Methodist Church sponsors a number of community outreach programs and events. Whether you're a member or just visiting, we hope you will take advantage of these opportunities to enjoy good food, good music, collectables at our yard sales, as well as arts and crafts all offered with a warm smile.
Steeple Dedication Ceremony August 2013
Our August 2013 Steeple Dedication ceremony was held nearly fifty years after the original Steeple/Spire was damaged by Lightening in a storm occurring in October 1963. (See the History and Heritage page for pictures.) The new Steeple, a Cross was funded by Mike and Pam Holland pictured in the front row (center) of the above photo.
​The photos above where taken during our annual community Christmas tree lighting on December 4, 2015. We light our outdoor tree, sing Christmas Carols, there's a special visit from Santa and there's a time of fellowship with coffee, tea, hot chocolate and cookies for all to enjoy.
(Click on a photo to enlarge the view)
​The above photos where during our Annual Fall Yard Sale in October 2015
(Click on a photo to enlarge the view)
Our Combined Church Picnic was held Saturday Aug. 8, 2015
at Belleplain State Forest/Park in Belleplain, NJ. Great food, games, and fellowship was had by members from Malaga, Porchtown, Belleplain, Eldora and Delmont United Methodist Churches.
​(Click on a photo to enlarge the view)
Unleash your creative talents with:
Painting class Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm

​Calendar of events for November, and December 2017
(Click the link above to view the event calendar)
​Friday mornings @ 9:30 am
Bible Study with Paul Gramm
(Fruit of the Spirit)
in the Sunday School Conference Room
(Bring your Bible)
Craft Building with Pam Holland
Tuesday mornings @ 9:30 am
Choir Practice Thursday evenings
@ the Church - 7:00 pm
(No Practice until January 2018)
Tuesday evenings @ Malaga UMC - 7:00 pm
Painting Class
Our Youth Group meets every Sunday
@ Malaga UMC - 10:30 am
Contact Mike or Jamie Garcia @ mumc@comcast.net
for meeting dates
and/or Scheduled Events
Monday November 6th Trustee and Council meetings
Trustee meeting @ 7:00 pm
Council meeting @ 7:30 pm
Tuesday November 7th and 14th
Scripture Readers Coaching classes with Pastor Charlie
@ MUMC - 7:00 pm
Saturday November 11th
Martha's Closet (Food Pantry)
Serving our Community from 1:00 pm thru 3:00 pm
Saturday November 18th
Church Charge Conference
1:30 pm @ Pitman UMC
Saturday November 18th
Youth Group (Thanksgiving) Cook-Off
feeding the less fortunate in Vineland
(Youth meet @ 7:00 pm)
Sunday November 26th @ 7:45 am
Men and Young Men's Breakfast - Host Porchtown
Monday December 4th - NO Trustee or Council meetings
Monday December 4th
Informational meeting regarding the Red Bird mission
trip to Beverly, KY during the week of April 2, 2018
Saturday December 9th
Martha's Closet (Food Pantry)
Serving our Community from 1:00 pm thru 3:00 pm
Sunday December 10th
DYFS toy and clothing drive gift bags are due
(pick up will be Tuesday December 12th)
Sunday December 10th
Choir Christmas Hymn Sing @ 7:00 pm
Saturday December 16th
Childrens Christmas Play - A Charlie Brown Christmas
7:00 pm (refreshments available after the play)
Sunday December 17th @ 7:30 am
Men and Young Men's Breakfast
@ Malaga Diner
Sunday December 24th - Christmas Eve
Worship Schedule:
9:00 am - Worship Service
4:00 pm - Christmas Eve Service @ Porchtown UMC
7:00 pm - Christmas Eve Service @ Malaga UMC
(No 11:00 pm service this year)
On the first Sunday of each month, the 9:00 am worship service includes communion. Fellowship follows at 10:00. Sunday School classes begin at 10:30. Please bring supplies each communion Sunday to help keep Martha's Closet stocked.
(Click the photo above to view the Events calendar)
(A look back at some Past Events)
Our Photo Gallery features photos of past events and Sunday school classes. The events are of past Church Barbecues, Nights at the Ballpark - (Camden Riversharks) Games, Covered Dish Dinners, Yard Sales and other Fellowship events.