Philosophy of Christian Education
The philosophy of Malaga United Methodist Church is to enable children and their families to view life from God’s perspective because He is Truth. We believe Biblical perspective is communicated through (1) His Creation, (2) His Son, Jesus Christ, and (3) His Holy Word, the Bible.
The Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. Jesus Christ is the central theme of history and is the central authority of what men say, do, or believe. Man was created in God’s image, but that image was ruined at the fall when man chose to sin against God. God provided a way of redemption for man through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. A regenerated person receives the Holy Spirit to guide him into all truth.
We seek to ground everything we do on the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. All members of the educational process at Malaga United Methodist Church are personally committed to Jesus Christ. Teachers seek to integrate Biblical truth into each subject being taught. We believe the educational process is only accomplished through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that a proper relationship between family, church, and school is essential to Christian education. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach and train a child. Malaga United Methodist Church, as a ministry of the church, is an extension of the educational process of the home.
The Challenge
For additional information on Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and Bible Studies please see the sub-pages listed under the Christian Education Tab.